Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

take a picture of that shit and put it online...

so, my local friend, Shannon, is some kind of embroidery guru and every time I look at her work, it makes me want to embroider.

She does these ridiculously cool portraits that look deceptively simple and I decided that a portrait of The Kid would be a super cool Christmas present for his grandparents.

Instead of immediately emailing Shannon, I spent a couple days googling on how to turn photography into an embroidery pattern and got nowhere, so I broke down and emailed her. She explains it in less than 2 paragraphs and it seems like something I could do, so I head to the craft store and stock up on embroidery stuff.

Then I park myself on the couch and get to work... It went a lot quicker than I thought it would and turned out great... if my kid looked like a cross between a llama, Eddie Munster and Jackie Chan, that is.

In other completely unrelated news, guess what my sister is getting for her birthday...


Speaking of Eddie Munster/Jackie Chan, The Kid has the rest of the week off of school and I am absolutely incapable of planning anything kid-friendly to do, so I decided we'd observe Veterans Day by going to an R-rated movie, because that's the kind of parent I am.

Last night, he asks if he can bring one of his 40 best friends along. I tell him I'm not comfortably taking someone else's kid to an R-rated movie.

"But, Mooooooooooom! He's seen 'The Hangover' about a million times!"

Nope, sorry, not comfortable with that.

"What if he asks his parents and they say it's okay?"


"Please! I'll do any chores you want me to."

Okay, fine, but you need to get permission from his parents. Or you both have to swear never to tell anyone about this*.

*kidding, we've got parental permission

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