Thursday, November 18, 2004

Who names their damn band Hoobastank?

And why is their song so freaking annoying? It's like a monkey is clawing at my ears everytime I hear the unmelodic screeching that is their lyrics...

And... here is an email I wish I could have sent earlier to a client of my office's:


Barring any unforseen natural disasters or acts of God you fucking bitch, this meeting time should work for Auggie {that's my boss}. He will see you the 30th of November at 10 am and be there until 2pm.

Please run your car off a bridge and into a very deep river. Oh, and don't forget to strap yourself in as tight as you can. And, I hope your seatbelt locks and won't let you out of your car and that I rescue you at the moment you are about to drown so that you're forever greatful to me... and no longer treat me like shit, you miserable excuse for a person.


Here's how the email actually went:


I'll do my best to make sure Auggie gets there on time.

10-2pm, November 30th, your office.


6 comment(s):

  • i ask myself this question every time i hear their STUPID STUPID song! i hate hoobastank!
    i can't even form a more annoying name with which to belittle them. they've done too damn good of a job themselves! Aaargh! ; )
    i like the first letter "julie" ?

    By Blogger nique, at 11:09 AM  

  • I once called a radio stationto answer a trivia question and I won, right? The DJ guy was like, "Yeah! You win a prize!"

    Me: "What?!! What?!!? YES!!"
    Him: "A Hoobastank CD!"
    Me: "YEA... ??! What? Hoobastank?"
    Him: "Yeah!! come on down to ths station and we'll..."
    Me: *click*

    Not really into the Hooba.

    By Blogger Agent 31, at 11:35 AM  

  • Maine: i'm dying laughing. you hung up on them! i can't say i blame you!

    kitty: thanks for clarifying, i never would've figured it out. aww i'm a-tarded! ; )

    By Blogger nique, at 11:46 AM  

  • i really thought i was the only one who hated *that band* (not even typing their name because it sounds like a dirty crotch... yes, i just typed crotch) - i used to wonder if i just didn't like them because of their name, but then i realized that, no, they suck, too

    By Blogger Veruca Salt, at 12:04 PM  

  • LOL, I thought I was the only one who typed hate email to my customers and then posted them on my blog!!!
    Rock on, I knew I liked you for a reason.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:06 PM  

  • it's been established that we all hate LOL, but that was so laugh out loud funny.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:55 PM  

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