Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Straight up, now tell me
Is this really necessary? Does Paula Abdul really need to rush rush back into a singing career?Not to be a c-c-c-cold-hearted sssssnake or anything, but after reading that article, it sounds like Paula believes herself to be a whole lot more talented than I remember her to be. Granted, lots of time has passed since her last album, she took two steps forward, two steps back, and she can still look forward to the promise of a new day and blowing kisses in the wind, but maybe she needs to see a vibeologist because it sounds like she's been knocked out. (There, have I referenced every single one of her crappy singles? And for the record, I had to Google her, I didn't know all that off of the top of my head)
The best quote of the entire article is this:
"Paula without dance would be a really dark world," she says, laughing.
Is she even famous enough to reference herself in the third person?
1 comment(s):
filmgoerjuan, at
2:23 PM
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