Friday, January 28, 2005
Me possum, es su possum
Many moons ago, I went through a bad break up with my psycho abusive live-in boyfriend and wound up living with a friend and her family. When I reintroduced myself to the dating world, I met a nice rockabilly boy and we started talking on the phone often. (it should be noted that I’m really bad at ending phone conversations – I can never find a comfortable way to do this my sister is the only one who’s come up with a feasible solution, we’ve worked out a code, when the conversation is winding down, one of us will say “Okay, I should go, my kitchen’s on fire” and the conversation is ended, guilt free)One night, I’m on the phone with the rocker of the billy and I’m tired as crap (and that’s really tired) and I just want to go to sleep, but I don’t want to be rude. I happen to glance over at the ever-present laundry pile (you know, the one that keeps growing and growing and never seems to get smaller – it may have had something to do with us never washing clothes) and see something gray moving around the top of it – No, it’s not a really dirty sock, it’s a baby opossum and it’s staring at me
I have to believe that el rocko de William wanted to get off the phone, too, because when I said: “Brent, I gotta go, there’s an opossum in my room”, he said “Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
So I go out into the living room where my friend and her boyfriend are watching tv and shriek “Guys, help, there’s an opossum in the bedroom!”
My friend doesn’t move from the couch, just stares at me blankly and says “Are you sure it’s not just a rat?”
Like that was supposed to placate me – “Yeah, you’re right, it’s probably just a rat, see you guys in the morning.”
*No opossums were harmed in the writing of this post – said opossum was captured in a trash can and released back to the wilds of Orange County
**And it is Opossum – not possum, okay? The title was poetic license, okay?
*** And we never did figure out how it got in to the house or how it got all the way to the very back of the house and into the laundry
1 comment(s):
Maverick, at
10:08 AM
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