Thursday, September 15, 2005

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

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I woke up before the alarm

The sun was shining.

The birds were chirping.

I saw no cockroaches, dead or alive, in the house this morning.

My hair was soft, cute and curly (so cute, in fact, that I clipped a cute pink flower in it - can't decide if it's girly or geeky)

I left a few minutes early for work.

My commute was a breeze, I happily bopped along to a Howard Jones Greatest Hits cd.

There was a parking space in front of the building.

As I breathed in a last second of the buttery sunshine and opened the door to the office, the first thing I see is the bossman charging down the stairs screaming at one of the laborer guys about "those motherfucking traffic cones".

I ask you, is there a more relaxing and Zen way to start the day than to hear your boss's melodious squalling about "those motherfucking traffic cones"? I just feel like spending the day meditating, trimming bonzai trees and writing haikus.

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