Friday, September 16, 2005

What's wrong with me?*

*no, as much of a masochist as I am, that's not an open invitation for criticism**, thankyouverymuch, it was more rhetorical, I'm troubled because... I got nothin'... my blog thing says that there are 739 posts in this blog, (which, for those of you playing along at home averages about 2 a day, including weekends, for, like a year!)but... right now, I got nothin' - I have zero inspiration - sure, I'm a stress ball about some things (like my darling iBook being in the shop, as of today, it's home, though, but I'm not going to tell you guys that there was really nothing wrong with it, other than the stupid memory thing being in wrong, so, yeah, totally my fault) - but, admittedly, 'kus are easier than coming up with an actual post (thus the

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