Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dear Everyone in my Office,

Hi, remember me? I'm pretty much impossible to miss, I'm the cute one girl whose boobs you're always ogling, sitting at the receptionist desk right when you walk in the front door. I know you may not always recognize me since my haircolor changes so often and some of y'all can be kind of slow, but it's always me, Monday through Friday, 8:30 - 4:30. I'm the one who types your letters, hands out your paychecks, looks up phone numbers for you and even bakes cookies ocassionally. And what do I ask for in return? Nothing.

Up until now. You may or may not have noticed that it's December and that means winter. I know, we're not in Minnesota, so our low daytime temperatures are usually in the 50s, but that's cold for me, so I'm wondering if you could do me the teeny tiniest, itty bittiest little favor of SHUTTING THE FUCKING DOOR BEHIND YOU WHEN YOU COME IN OR OUT. The initial blast of arctic air is enough, I don't need more. Really, I know you're country and all, but I refuse to believe that you were actually born in a barn, so if you could work on that, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks a bunch,


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1 comment(s):

  • Maybe they weren't born there but maybe they were conceived there.

    By Blogger :P fuzzbox, at 4:30 AM  

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