Friday, March 31, 2006

The candyman... can't

A while ago, I mentioned* a shipment of candy that I got from my dad - I gave him some feedback** and a couple of suggestions and then yesterday, another box shows up on my doorstep.

This box contained one box of assorted candies, wrapped in different colored foils, with a key on the top to explain the contents.

Purple - Cinnamon chocolate with pecan pieces - could have been more cinnamon-y, but it was actually... good
Pink - Chocolate with Fiore De Sicilia (sp?) inside (basically, dark chocolate with citrus-y innards) - I'm not big on chocolate and fruit together, but my kid liked it and ate them all.
Orange - Chocolate with Irish Cream inside - I'm not big on chocolate and alcohol, but this was decent.
Yellow - Canadian maple flavored chocolate with pineapple inside - (insert sound of scratching record here) - wait... what??? In what way does that even SOUND appealing? When I read that one to my husband, he thought I'd said it was "Canadian bacon with pineapple" which actually makes more sense. But, being the trooper I am, I unwrapped one and took a bite. My son watched me for a reaction and I forced a smile "Try it," I said (because I'm mean like that) and he bit into it and just as quickly spit it out into the kitchen sink. If you're wondering how it tastes - CANADIAN MAPLE CHOCOLATE WITH PINEAPPLE, okay? - I wonder if "Fear Factor" will send me a finder's fee if I send them along. Seriously, wtf?

* Contrary to the last time I wrote about candy, my makeup does not look fabulous today - I've got some kind of a Queen of the Undead look going today - it's not cute
**vague stuff like: "the lime, vanilla, curry is a bit... much"

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