Sunday, December 25, 2005
Quite the well-rounded holiday (and I'm not just talking about my ass)
The tomboy in me got some new Converse and gift certificate for a tattoo*The senior citizen in me got the Rat Pack Christmas cd (the only Christmas cd that anyone should ever aspire to own) and the "Bringing up Baby" dvd.
The shameless fangirl in me squeeded all over about getting the John Mayer Trio live cd.
The girly girl in me got some new Victoria's Secret chonies (from the Pink Collection, thank you very much).
The domestic gawddess in me got a bunch of new kitchen implements (from my dad) and cooked a spectacular (if I do say so myself) dinner from scratch.
The spazzy klutz in me gave myself not one, but two injuries whilst cooking above mentioned dinner (one of which is a terrifically painful burn *under* my fingernail... for a million bucks I couldn't tell you how I did that).
The aspiring veterinarian in me got to bandage up a wounded paw when one of the dogs got hurt and nurse a baby boa back to health.
The hermit in me got to stay in the house all day wearing pajamas,
The stage mom in me swelled with pride when my son, after owning a guitar for less than 12 hours, perfected his rock star scowl.
The writer's block-ed writer in me managed to get a few more paragraphs down on paper... uh, onto a new MS Word document.
* Now I just have to decide what to get
1 comment(s):
I'm not even supposed to be here today, at
9:03 PM
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