Monday, December 13, 2004
more Istanbullshit
Com: hiCom: how r u?
Me: busy, how are you?
Com: ia m fine thanks and u?
Me: busy, just like when you asked 45 seconds ago
Com: ok i wait you
Me: what?
Com: sorry i am not speak well english ok?
Me: yeah, i noticed
Com: :(
Com: i am turan
Com: do you remember me?
Me: yes, you're the freak who wanted to marry me
Com: yes of course
Com: still.
Me: yes, still a freak
Com: u r not marry?
Me: i am still married, and even if i wasn't, i would probably become a nun before marrying you
Com: :(
Com: can u come here?
Com: for our.
Me: for our what? we have no "our" anything
Com: u r right.
Com: unfortunately.
Com: ok have u sister?
Have I sister? Have I sister? Oh, you betcha have I sister!
You heard it here, Julie, your dating worries are over. Because that's what big sisters do, they set up their little sisters with freaky internet stalkers who am not speaking English ok. You're welcome.
3 comment(s):
Jootastic, at
10:21 AM
I love it!
Monkey, at
12:20 PM
There is so many man in here, istanbul...:)
Anonymous, at
9:43 AM
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